don't know about you but I loooove fanart. I can never get enough of it-
THE WALL ,Mahahahaha!!
is some of both mine, and my friends fanart. Warning- I am not the best
artist in the world! I know I can't (and probably never will) draw
as well as many of you but, hey, you can't blame me for trying. And as
for the coloring, well its the best I can do until I get Adobe Photoshop,
which I hope will happen in the near future. I also had alot of help with
the coloring from Anne-Kate! Also don't forget to check out my friends'
art. They spend alot of time drawing so at least take a peak.
Note- I know that
Giant kinda looks like Callista and/or Callie. The reason is because Giant
is a shape shifter and the first picture of a she-kat that she saw was
Callie's. She changed a little so as not to look exactly like her, when
she became a kat. Besides thats just how I always imagined Giant
would look like, long before I ever even saw Swat Kats, let alone any of
the fanart. I'm not trying to copy or steal anyones character but if you
still have a problem with it and want to chew me out you can e-mail me
at: KittyG25@erols.com
Any and all feedback
is greatly apprieciated!
Fan Art