Save Our Swat Kats!!!

Now I know you must be thinking , "oh great, another one for these things again. she'll probably make me sign some petition. Why don't they just give up. This is not going to work." Well this is different, I promise!

I'm not doing any petition or anything like that. We already tried that for the last 5 years, and know that doesn't work. Here's the way I figure it: tED tURNER is making money off of our entertainment. Thats a fact, thats what he does for a living. We are technically using his property and the best part is that he isn't getting a cent off of it. Everytime we write a fanfic, draw a picture, or do anything related to SK, he's losing money. And we all know how much tURNER loves money.

The reason I'm saying this is because if he sees that there are so many of us then he is going to be like $_$ (Cha ching!). So if enough of us write to him individually, especially if your not from the US (he loves international letters), he might see us as a profit. I mean he already agknowlaged us on, as THE CULT (yeah! cult cult cult, ok i'm done now). That's a step in the right direction.

I also want to point out something that has been bothering me for a while. I know that we all love the Swat Kats, but latly I've noticed more and more that kat fans have been paying more attention to all the RPG's. Some of the stuff isn't remotley related to Swat Kats. I am by no means trying to diss the RPG's or their players. Infact  I, myself, am in many RPGs. All I'm saying is that we should try to relate the stuff we do to the Swat Kats if we want to call it Swat Kats.  I've noticed that gradually the SK community is drifting off more and more into their own little worlds and away from the original Swat Kats.

I saw alot more stuff out there when I first came on the internet, now its mostly RPG. Like I said thats not bad or anything, just try to relate it to SKs. I'm not trying to point claws at anyone (in fact I'm guilty of it myself). But if we want SKs back on then we must show him that we still like it. If he thinks that we are going off into our little worlds that have nothing, or remotely nothing, to do with SKs, then we will never get them back! (If anyone has a problem with my opinion then you don't have to agree with me. Its a free world and I can say  say my own opinion, can't I?)

So just write tURNER a nice, friendly (or at least try to be nice) letter , saying how much you would love to have SKs back or at least see those 3 unfinished eps. Also try to suck up to him (if thats possible which I know it isn't for some of us). He likes the environment so try to mention "Caverns of Horror" and how they SKs stopped pollution. He loves that crap (sorry if I offended any tree huggers out there). So try to be nice. The more nice letters we send him, the more he'll like us.

As for me, well lets put it this way, its as much possibly for me to write a friendly letter to tURNER, as it is for you to lift the TurboKat. So please write to him and SAVE OUR SWAT KATS!!!

Here's his address :

Mr.Ted Turner
1050 Techwood Drive, NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30318